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persolog® Job Perception Inventory

The detailed profile for personnel development and recruiting with descriptions of interpretation levels 1 to 3

  • Target group: HR managers, recruiters, personnel developers
  • Areas of application: Recruiting and applicant selection, job description and requirements profile, employee development
  • Product information: Softcover, 39 pages, 4-color
  • The profile to help companies find the right employee for the right job.
  • Based on the 4 behavioral dimensions D (dominant), I (influencing), S (steady) and C (cautious).
  • Contains two persolog® questionnaires to scratch off with a coin.
Product number: DE-IN102_05/23_V7.0
Product information "persolog® Job Perception Inventory"
  • 38 pages printed on high-quality paper.
  • 4-color content with many places where readers can reflect and enter their own notes.
  • Two self-completion questionnaires that can be scratched off with any standard coin and evaluated by the reader.
  • All steps for evaluation in the form of job diagrams are explained in detail and illustrated with pictures.
  • Based on the findings of the American psychology professor Dr. John G. Geier, whose life's work until his death was to further develop the four behavioral dimensions of Dominant, Influencing, Steady and Conscientious and to put them on an even better scientific foundation.
  • Contains 3 Discovery Steps: 1: Job-related significance of the behavioral dimensions D, I, S and C 2: 20 job profiles describe the human factors that are necessary for professional success 3: Problem-solving process - how task-related behavioral patterns can support or hinder change processes in companies.

Important note: Our products are intended for personal development and can be used either in (1) self-directed or for (2) training / consulting / coaching. For (2) a trainer license from persolog® is required. It is not permitted to instruct others without having been trained by persolog®, as many mistakes happen here.