persolog® Personal Resilience Profile
The most popular resilience profile with a detailed description of the 10 resilience factors including methods
persolog® Stress Profile
The profile to reflect and productively use work-related stress
persolog® Quick-Check Resilience
The quick check to identify your resilience competence based on 20 short questions
persolog® Personal Resilience Profile Questionnaire & Analysis
Includes questionnaire and evaluation, without detailed descriptions of the resilience factors
persolog® Time Management Profile
The detailed profile with all 5 interpretation levels of the time management model
Strategy Planner Resilience and Personality
The perfect tool to train resilience individually
persolog® Quick-Check Stressors
The quick check for a fast introduction to the topic of stress management
Strategy Planner for Learning and Personality
The perfect tool to train learning behavior individually
persolog® Strategy Planner for Stress and Personality
The perfect tool to train stress management individually
persolog® Strategy Planner Time Management and Personality
The strategy planner for individual time management
persolog® Strategy Planner for Self-Leadership and Personality
The strategy planner that combines self-leadership and personality
persolog® Stress Profile "professional & private"
The comprehensive profile to analyze stress holistically
persolog® Time Management Profile Questionnaire & Analysis
Includes questionnaire and evaluation, without detailed descriptions of the interpretation levels
Strategy Planner for Teaching and Personality
The perfect tool to train teaching behavior individually
persolog® Personal Resilience Workbook
The workbook for the persolog® Personal Resilience Model
Workbook persolog® Time Management Model
The participant booklet for the persolog® Time Management Model
persolog® Strategy Planner for Time Management in Teams
The strategy planner for developing better time management in teams
persolog® Strategy Planner for Individual Values
The strategy planner to discover value hierarchies and get to know your inner compass
persolog® Organizational Resilience Workbook
The workbook for trainings on organizational resilience
Workbook Making Resilience Tangible
The workbook with holistic training exercises for resilience