persolog® Behavioral Profile
The most popular profile with a detailed description of interpretation levels 1 and 2
persolog® Quick-Check Behavior
The quick check to identify your strongest behavioral dimension(s) based on 12 questions
persolog® Personality Factor Profile
The detailed profile with all 7 interpretation levels of the Personality Factor Model for coaching sessions or multi-day seminars
persolog® Personal Resilience Profile
The most popular resilience profile with a detailed description of the 10 resilience factors including methods
persolog® Personality Factor Profile Questionnaire
Includes questionnaire and evaluation, without detailed descriptions of the interpretation levels
persolog® Stress Profile
The profile to reflect and productively use work-related stress
persolog® Quick-Check Resilience
The quick check to identify your resilience competence based on 20 short questions
persolog® Personal Resilience Profile Questionnaire & Analysis
Includes questionnaire and evaluation, without detailed descriptions of the resilience factors
persolog® Time Management Profile
The detailed profile with all 5 interpretation levels of the time management model
persolog® Job Perception Inventory Questionnaire & Analysis (IT)
Includes questionnaire and evaluation, without detailed descriptions of the interpretation levels
persolog® Quick-Check Stressors
The quick check for a fast introduction to the topic of stress management
persolog® Organizational Resilience Profile
With a detailed description of the nine factors of organizational resilience
persolog® Personal Resilience Short Profile Online
Online short profile with a description of your individual results in the 4 areas of resilience
persolog® Team Resilience Profile Questionnaire & Analysis
Includes questionnaire and evaluation, with brief descriptions of the factors of team resilience
persolog® Organizational Resilience Profile Questionnaire & Analysis
Includes questionnaire and evaluation, with an overview of your organization's resilience across 9 factors
persolog® Short Job Perception Inventory Profile online
Online short profile with a description of your individual results in 3 interpretation levels
persolog® Stress Profile "professional & private"
The comprehensive profile to analyze stress holistically
persolog® Time Management Profile Questionnaire & Analysis
Includes questionnaire and evaluation, without detailed descriptions of the interpretation levels
persolog® Job Perception Inventory
The detailed profile for personnel development and recruiting with descriptions of interpretation levels 1 to 3