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persolog® Strategy Planner for Difficult Relationships


Available, delivery time: 5-7 days

  • Zielgruppe: Privatpersonen, Mitarbeiter:innen, Führungskräfte, HR-Manager und Personalentwickler:innen
  • Einsatzgebiete: Persönliche Beziehungen, Arbeitsplatzkonflikte, Führungskräfteentwicklung
  • Produktinfos: Softcover, 6 Seiten, 4-farbig
  • Das Tool, um schwierige Beziehungen gezielt zu verbessern.
  • Basierend auf den 4 Verhaltensdimensionen D (dominant), I (initiativ), S (stetig) und G (gewissenhaft).
  • Enthält einen zweiteiligen persolog-Fragebogen zum Selbstausfüllen und Freirubbeln mit einer Münze.
Product number: DE-PL116_09/23_V2.2
Product information "persolog® Strategy Planner for Difficult Relationships"
  • 6 pages printed on high-quality paper.
  • 4-color content with many places where readers can reflect on themselves and enter their own notes.
  • A self-completion questionnaire that can be scratched off with any standard coin and evaluated by the reader.
  • All steps for evaluation are explained in detail and illustrated with pictures.
  • The Strategy Planner helps to determine which individual behavioral patterns (D, I, S and C) should be increased or decreased when dealing with difficult people in order to ensure a relaxed approach.
  • The Action Plan helps to improve communication with difficult people in a targeted manner.

Important note: Our products are intended for personal development and can be used either (1) on your own or for (2) training / consulting / coaching. For (2) a trainer license from persolog® is required. It is not permitted to instruct others without having been trained by persolog®, as many mistakes happen here.